Reason # 47: Capital Punishment

Reason # 47: Capital Punishment

Why do we need to defeat Donald Trump and ensure that a Democrat occupies the White House?

In the previous 46 reasons to not vote for Donald Trump, we have gone into considerable depth about his limited intelligence, his disordered character, his mendacity, dishonest business practices and rash, intemperate behavior but we have not yet reached the low point of his character -his cruelty.

On the night of April 19, 1989, a large group of teenage youths from East Harlem descended upon the Northern part of Central Park in New York City, assaulting, mugging and robbing parkgoers. A young woman jogger, reported missing the night before, was found comatose, hypothermic and brutally beaten the next morning. Following the savage rape, she was comatose for twelve days and, blessedly, had no memory of her terrible ordeal. Police arrested five teens and extracted confessions for the crime from four of them. Although they later recanted their confessions, alleging that police had coerced them, all five were found guilty and sentenced to long prison terms for the brutal crime.

Justice had been served. But had it? Donald Trump did not think so. He decided that the five young men should be executed; so strongly in fact, that he took out a full-page newspaper ad in the NY Daily News for $89,000, on May 1, 1989, to make his case.*cp_B773BD4B802B5F5DADCCD96053BADABF*mid_176A5326BD9F1FD6E2D55EF9E2BC5D346549F226*simid_608011492724900545*thid_OIP.NHxEMow6QQA3odQiOtfycwHaFC&vt=0&sim=11&iss=VSI&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0

“I want to hate these muggers and murderers They should be forced to suffer and when they kill, they should be executed for their crimes.”

Trump had at least part of his wish, the five black and Hispanic youths, between 14 and 16 years of age were made to suffer through long, brutal prison terms. Fortunately, they were not executed, because years later an imprisoned serial rapist confessed to the horrific crime and DNA evidence confirmed his testimony. The Central Park Five became the innocent “Exonerated Five” only in 2002. Donald Trump has never admitted that he was wrong, insists that they were guilty and has never apologized for his cruel actions. Why? Because that is who he is; never wrong, never needing to apologize, always cruel.

Even in those bygone days, Donald was into full caps.


This despite some of the most egregious NYPD misconduct ever exposed. Republicans might reflect on these occurrences before they next pillory those who would “defund the police.”

On the other scale of justice, (white) Donald Trump has been accused of sexual misconduct by nineteen different women and has never served a day in jail.

There is no place for cruelty in the White House.

Have a heart; use your mind, search your conscience, and vote for Democratic candidates – across the ballot – on November. 5th.

Please share this message with your friends and please, add your thoughts, to expand upon what are only brief sketches here.

Fred Grannis

September 4, 2024



