Reason # 59: Promises, Tax Promises Two
Why do we need to defeat Donald Trump and ensure that a Democrat occupies the White House?
Yesterday, we looked at how Donald Trump promised voters that they would get a tax cut if they elected him. He lied. The overwhelming majority of taxpayers either got zilch relief from their previous tax burden or got a minimal benefit. In contradistinction, very wealthy taxpayers and corporations got gargantuan tax benefits that substantially increased their wealth. Once again, Donald Trump had worked a grift. The mark was the electorate of those foolish enough to be taken in by yet another in the long list of his confidence schemes.
I was going to move on to another of Donald Trump’s empty promises – a secure border – but Robert Reich reminds me that there is a final group of people, who not only did not get a benefit from tax relief, they got totally screwed. These are undocumented foreign workers.
“Undocumented immigrants paid $97 billion in taxes in 2022. They paid a higher state/local tax rate than the top 1% in a majority of states and contributed $26B to Social Security, which they can’t benefit from. Remember this when the undocumented are called “freeloaders.”undocumented are called “freeloaders.”
It is estimated that they pay $1.38 in taxes for each dollar they receive in social benefits.
Republicans would have you believe that these hardworking folks are criminally insane, drug dealing rapists who are a massive drain on our economy and take jobs away from American citizens. This cruel characterization applies to only a tiny minority of immigrants who commit criminal offenses.
The reality is that most of the estimated 11 to 12 million undocumented immigrants are in prime working years and most work hard at low level jobs most Americans would avoid taking at all costs.
Specifically undocumented workers fill enormous numbers of jobs in the following job sectors: 224,459 agricultural worker, 256,000 grounds maintenance,109,223, school and hospital food services, 120.059 textile, apparel, 470,938 food preparation, 1,066,848 construction trades, 662,014 janitorial, pest control, 105,993 food processing. Our society and business world could not function without these critically needed workers. Republicans know this perfectly well. They are the employers of the overwhelming majority of undocumented workers.
Finally, these twelve million people stoke our economy; they pay rent, buy food and clothing and as noted above, pay a fortune in taxes into federal coffers.
If a scam artist takes you in and bilks you, seek retribution. Do not vote for them in the next election.
Have a heart; use your mind, search your conscience, and vote for Democratic candidates – across the ballot – on November. 5th.
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Fred Grannis
September 17, 2024